Parenting is not walk in the park. Parenting, as it is, can absolutely be a daunting task. Now, add a pandemic into the mix, and things can get out of hand quickly. We here at Family Promise of Montgomery County know that there is no one and only way to perfectly parent. And during these uncertain times, it is easy for the world to become not only dangerous, but incredibly overwhelming.
Here are some of our best little pieces of advice for you as you navigate parenting in the midst of a pandemic.
Set aside family time. Spend quality time with the people you love. Whether that be your immediate family or your extended family via video chat, staying connected with loved ones is important. We suggest family game nights, cooking or baking together, or even a family dance party!
Answer questions. Your children may have many questions about COVID-19 and the uncertainties that it brings. The best thing you can do is answer these questions honestly and simply. Tell the truth. Put the truth in simple terms so they can process what is going on. Let them feel in the loop and educated on the changing world.
Teach safety. Educate your children on the best ways to stay safe and be sure to model these behaviors yourself! Whether that is vigorous hand-washing (which we always highly recommend!), mask-wearing, hand-sanitizing, or any other safety measure, it is best to be upfront about these guidelines and follow them yourself.
Always look forward. Remind your children that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Tell them about the scientists who are working hard everyday to keep our world healthy. Tell them about all of the fun things that are soon to come!
Take care of yourself, too. Remember that being a caregiver is a full-time job. Be easy on yourself. Keep body healthy and your mind clear. Find things in your life that bring you joy and clarity. Whether that be exercising, painting, cooking, or cleaning, find what works and make room for it in your schedule every day.
Above all, be kind to yourself. We are in uncharted waters. The best thing to do is stay calm, motivated, caring, and clear. You got this.
Healthy Families = Healthy Community. Family Promise is working towards doing our part daily.