Local Resources
Helping the families we serve not only succeed today but remain stable in their housing, financial capability and career paths tomorrow.
Community Donations

American Red Cross, Spring, TX: 281.465.9376 Emergency aid (food, clothing and temporary shelter) to victims of fires, floods, and other disasters; along with services to military families and veterans.
Angel Reach’s Kinship Care Program: 936.273.4806 Assists kinship placement families (foster children) with their day-to-day living needs, including emergency food, clothing, furniture, home repairs, referrals to community resources
Center for Empowerment, 5609 E. Mount Houston, Houston, TX 77051: 281.449.0994 Provides emergency shelter for men, women and children
Compassion United – Joy House, Conroe, TX: 936.441.1884 Shelter for young girls or women that are pregnant
Community Assistance Center-1022 McCall, Conroe 936.539.1096-food, assistance with utilities, rent, mortgage, clothing, and more.
Montgomery County Women’s Center 936.441.7273 Helps women that are victims of domestic violence
Legacy Dream Center PO Box 273, Willis, TX 77378: 936-649-5197 The Legacy Center is a Christian faith-based residential program with the mission of helping women to overcome the life-controlling issues that are keeping them from moving forward in life
Salvation Army Conroe , TX 77301: 936.760.2440 Emergency aid (shelter, food and utility assistance) for families and individuals
Star of Hope Transitional Living Center, 6801 Ardmore St, Houston, TX 77054: 713.440.5375 – Shelter for single women and single parent families
Star of Hope: Women & Family Center, 419 Dowling, Houston, TX 77003: 713.222.2220 Provides shelter for couples with children women with children, single women, men with children, couples without children. Can stay up to 90 days. Must be married to stay together.
The Good Shepherd Mission, 1005 Ave. F (M.L.K.), Huntsville, TX 77340: 936.291.8156 Shelter for men and women (not as good for children) facing domestic violence. Offers shelter 3 days maximum
Compassion United (Main Number) Conroe, TX: 936.274.3799 Freedom House – Addiction recovery for men Ext. 703
Eagles Nest Ministries, 1450 Blake Rd., Conroe, TX: 936.703.3084 Helps men recently released from prison with safe re-entry learning skills.
Granny’s House of Hope, 908 Silverdale Dr, Conroe, TX 77301: 936.441.2820 Shelter for men just released from prison seeking rehabilitation
New Harvest Restoration Ministry, PO Box 2683, Conroe, TX 77305: 832.376.1109
832.960.0318″ 9 month program for men and women with issues related to substance abuse and family issues.
Restoration Houston, 4075 Hollister, Houston, TX 77080: 832.675.5564 Shelter for individuals that have drug addiction, suffer from alcoholism, or having family problems – 9 month program
Star of Hope: Doris and Carlos Morris Men’s Development Center, 1811 Ruiz, Houston, TX 77002: 713.227.8900 Provides a walk-in day shelter and overnight shelter for homeless, transient men as well as a 6 month program for men.
The Way (Under Over Ministry), 106 S. San Jacinto, Conroe, TX: 936.447.0258 Home in Conroe for single men getting back on their feet after a hardship
Christy’s House (Under Over Ministry), 106 S. San Jacinto, Conroe, TX: 936.447.0258 Home in Conroe for single women getting back on their feet after a hardship
Compassion United (Main Number), Conroe, TX: 936.274.3799 Hosanna House – Addiction recovery for women Ext. 702
Montgomery County Women’s Center 936.441.7273 Helps women that are victims of domestic violence
New Harvest Restoration Ministry, PO Box 2683, Conroe, TX 77305: 832.376.1109 or 832.960.0318 – 9 month program for men and women with issues related to substance abuse and family issues.
New Life Women’s Center-Montgomery, 14699 Steede Rd, Montgomery, TX 77356: 936.449.4357 Shelter for women seeking drug rehabilitation. Also takes women with a criminal history. (also alcohol & dysfunctional relationships)
Restoration Houston, 4075 Hollister, Houston, TX 77080: 832.675.5564 Shelter for individuals that have drug addiction, suffer from alcoholism, or having family problems – 9 month program
Star of Hope Transitional Living Center, 6801 Ardmore St, Houston, TX 77054: 713.440.5375 – Shelter for single women and single parent families
The Women’s Home, 607 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX 77006: 713.521.3150 Program for Women ages 22-25 with substance abuse issues. Stay 6 – 18 months. Not an Emergency Shelter
Angel Reach, Conroe, TX: 936.273.4806 Offers young people who have aged out of foster care a safe, temporary residence as they transition into society.
Yes to Youth, Montgomery County Youth Services: 936.856.8015 BridgeWay Youth Shelter – Co-ed, short term shelter program for youth ages 10 – 17, who are in need of a temporary place to stay that is safe, secure, and provides immediate support. Length of stay cannot exceed 90 days.
Conroe Hispanic Community Liaison, City Hall, 300 W. Davis St, Conroe, TX: 936.522.3013 Helps Spanish speaking families locate agencies and shelters to meet their needs
Local Food Pantries
Salvation Army / Soup Kitchen 304 Avenue E Conroe TX 77301 (936) 760-2440
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 109 N. Frazier, Building R. Conroe TX 77302 (936) 539-1188
Community Assistance Center 1022 McCall Street Conroe TX 77301 (936)539-9211
New Horizon Church of the Nazarene 1201 N. FM 3083 East Conroe TX 77303 (936) 756-3507
West Conroe Baptist 1855 Longmire Road Conroe TX 77304 (936)760-1911
Conroe Church of Christ 1860 Longmire Road Conroe TX 77304 (936) 756-8988
Conroe First Christian Church 3500 North Loop 336 W Conroe TX 77304 (936) 756-3554
First Baptist Church of Groceville 19256 FM 1484 Cut n Shoot TX 77306 (936) 264-1868
First Baptist Grangerland Church 15975 FM 3083 Conroe TX 77302 (936) 231-2624
The Local Church 110 East FM 1097 Willis TX 77378 (936) 856-8317
StoneBridge Food Pantry 1 StoneBridge Church Drive The Woodlands TX 77382 281-789-7080
Lake Pantry 1701 McCaleb Road Montgomery TX 77316 (361) 500-2296
St. Anthony’s Bread 7801 Bay Branch Drive The Woodlands TX 77382 (832) 482-4210
Interfaith of the Woodlands 4242 Interfaith Way The Woodlands TX 77381 (281)367-1230
The Way Church 24418 I 45 North Spring TX 77386 (281) 681-8922
Wildwood United Methodist 89111 FM 1488 Magnolia TX 77354 (832)934-0100
Gateway Baptist 2930 Rayford Road Spring TX 77386 (281)363-4500
Montgomery United Methodist Church 22548 Hwy 105 W. Montgomery TX 77356 (936) 597-6162
Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día New Caney19893 FM 1485 Rd. New Caney Texas 77357-7309USA , 509-540-4507
Dacus Baptist Church 5403 FM 1486 Montgomery TX 77356 (936) 597-5279
St John of the Cross 20000 Loop 494New Caney TX (281) 399-9008
Mission NE22098 Loop 494 New Caney TX 77357United States : (281) 354-1200
Friendship United Methodist Church 22388 Ford Rd. Porter TX : (281) 354-2326
Peach Creek Baptist Church 25963 FM 1485 East New Caney TX 77357 (281) 399-9025
Coat of Many Colors 25941 Fawn Forest Rd Montgomery TX 77356 (936) 597-4179
New Caney Family Worship Center23214 F.M. 1485East New Caney TX 77357 (281) 785-2430
St. Matthias Catholic Church 302 Magnolia Boulevard Magnolia TX 77355 (281) 259-7300
Society of Samaritans 31355 Industrial Lane Magnolia TX 77355 (281) 259-8452
WIC OFFICE CONROE CLINIC 703 East Davis Conroe, TX – 77301 (936) 539-3399
Lone Star WIC Clinic 605 S Conroe Medical Dr Conroe, TX 77304 936-788-5301
Houston Website for WIC offices: http://www.womeninfantschildrenoffice.com/houston-wic-clinics-texas-wcc2785
Texas Website for WIC offices: http://www.womeninfantschildrenoffice.com/texas-wic-clinics-wcs42
Meals on Wheels 1202 Candy Cane Lane Conroe, Tx 77301 936-756-5828 Email: info@mowmc.org